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SHaron's Starsky & Hutch gifts

Many now also available in other fandoms!

Warning - in order to keep the images recognizable, these pictures have been saved at a pretty high resolution and may be slow to load. Sorry about that.

Page 1 of SHaron's Fannish Fripperies
(c. 90k, jpg)

Starsky I-Ching coins
Torino brooches and earrings
Fridge Magnets

Page 2 of SHaron's Fannish Fripperies
(c. 90k, jpg)

Mugs, Bowls, Teapots, and other ceramics
Mouse Mats
T-shirts and other garments
Wall clocks
Key rings

Price list (this is a gif file, 26k)

To order anything, mail SHaron

Any questions about this page, mail Solo




This site is maintained erratically and arbitrarily by Solo, and occasionally eaten by the ISP. Last update 7 May, 2002 .