If you're new to
Starsky & Hutch fandom...
Recently, I've
had a few mails from people who said my site was the first one
they'd ever found in Starsky & Hutch fandom (Wow. Fame at
last.) Now, while of course I'm convinced that my site is just
fab, it's not actually very newbie-friendly, so I thought I'd
add a page in which I give just a small number of links to other
stuff and actually explain what they're good for at the same time.
Most of the links here are also on my general 'links' section,
so unless you're new and likely to find the commentary useful,
don't waste your time here.
One of the first things people tend to be looking for is a decent
episode guide, with brief descriptions of the eps, the correct
titles, and the order in which they were screened. The best of
the available guides is still at Green
Stamps; even though the site itself is no longer being updated,
it has lots of information. There's also a much flashier guide
which actually has a search facility, at the Sony
Site - don't try to run this if you have an older browser
without the latest plug-ins or your computer will crash.
Check Cindy's
Site for hundreds of framegrabs taken directly from the episodes,
and Blue's
Site for lots of pictures scanned in from a variety of sources.
S&H Fan Fiction is stories about the guys written by fans
(duh.) It tends to fill in 'missing scenes' (ever wondered what
happened after Hutch emptied a glass of water over Starsky's head
in the squad room?), to speculate about what happened after the
last episode, or to take the guys to a different plane or universe
altogether. Some of it is stunningly good, most is mediocre, and
some of it is abysmal - if you hit a bad one at the start, don't
give up, keep on looking.
The best place to start is the Starsky
& Hutch Gen Archive, which has lots of stories and also
links to other sites. You will find slash fiction (fan fiction
which includes an explicit, or implied, sexual relationship between
the two partners) at the Starsky
& Hutch Slash Archive. ('Slash' stands for the "/"
which commonly replaces the "&" in short references:
S&H is general fiction, S/H is slash fiction.)
On that subject...
You'll soon notice
that fans have their very own lingo which can be hard to follow.
Some helpful people have compiled glossaries, such as the Fannish
Definitions or the list of Common
Terms and In-Jokes. If you want to know what an A/U is, or
a PWP, why some people have problems with Mary Sues and others
can't live without h/c, these sites will tell you.
Other Fans
Most of the fun happens on the mailing lists. The oldest, general-purpose
mailing list for S&H is Zebrathree. To join it, send email
to majordomo@jbx.com, and
write subscribe zebrathree youraddy@yourhost
in the body of your mail. However, this list isn't very active.
There are two very active fiction lists which also have general
discussions: The Pits and SHGfanfic. Both are part of yahoogroups,
so first you have to go to www.yahoogroups.com
and register your email address with them. Once you've done that,
a search for "Starsky" will bring up a number of lists
including SHGfanfic. The Pits Fic is more difficult to find -
the best way is to go straight to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ThePits/
Both lists have stories posted to them (often the same story
will go to both lists). The difference between these two lists:
The Pits will host and discuss both gen and slash, and it will
have discussions about general writing techniques as well as aspects
of the characters. SHGfanfic doesn't allow slash, and the discussion
of writing as a craft is discouraged.
If you are interested in joining a S&H slash list, mail me
and I'll point you in the right direction.

I hope all this is of some use. If there's anything that should
have been in here, anything else you want to know, mail
me. I can always add a new section and dedicate it to you!